
Progetti is a dynamic and vital company based in Carate Brianza (MB) for over 30 years thinking, researching and creating furniture complements and home and office objects. 

Design cared for down to the smallest details, high quality, form and function innovation are the basis of its products: clocks, contemporary cuckoo, coat racks, coffee tables, umbrella stand, all strictly Made in Italy and designed by great architects and designers of international fame: Gaetano Pesce, Gian Franco Frattini, Joe Colombo, Giulio Iacchetti, Matteo Ragni, Maurizio Duranti, Asps Studio that also follows the artistic direction, are just some of the names who worked with Progetti. The company, among the first in Italy to carry out this type of watches and cuckoo that combine originality and functionality, in 2012 has created new objects working with the eclectic Karim Rashid and the young multidisciplinary Studio Kuadra. 

The research of the highest quality, from the choice of materials to the processing, the contemporary and unexpected design, semi artisan production techniques, coupled with extensive industry experience and respect for the environment, have led Progetti to achieve international notoriety allowing to appear in many areas of the world. 

Progetticreations, made of wood, metal, plastics and other materials, without the constraints of manufacturing or technology, leaving great freedom of action, are designed to satisfy the most demanding tastes, attentive to exclusivity and to detail, but also the expectations of a wider audience and young, sensitive to new things, natural and ecological materials, simple and emotional design. 

Progetti is, therefore, one of the leading protagonists of the Made in Italy, winning not only the commercial results but also from recognition by important institutions: New York and San Francisco MoMA have included in its catalog clocks Rnd_ Time, Fun_Time, q01 and Target, various products were on display at the exhibition 'The building of the Foreign Ministry and its collections' held at the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome and were included in the permanent collection Farnesina Design which often has its own objects in prestigious locations across the way. Capri, Double q and O'Coque are displayed and included in the catalogue of the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, the Clock Museum born in 1852 in the Black Forest in Germany. 

Corporate dynamism is then expressed also in communication-related activities, such as participation in Italian and International fairs (Macef, iSaloni, Ambiente, Maison & Objet). 

Progetti like innovate and innovate, be a source of ideas and loves challenge to rethink with originality and fun simple and everyday objects, without losing their main function.